Internet: charging per post to counter the spamming issue

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Before the internet is going to be taken over by Ai bots, fulfilling the ‘dead internet’ prophecy, there are various significant actors working on fighting back, against bots, spams, and well some attempts could help…

Enforcing a pay-per-post (or pay-per-tweet) policy on social media platforms as a means to combat spamming is theoretically a way to counter bots spam, even if it would likely face numerous challenges and resistance from users:

  1. User Reaction: Users are accustomed to the free nature of social media platforms. Introducing a pay-per-tweet or pay-per-post policy could lead to backlash from users who may feel that they are being unfairly charged for what was previously free. Unless the platform is providing some credits for lets say 10 update (tweet or post) a day.
  2. Impact on Engagement: Implementing such a policy could potentially decrease user engagement as people might be more cautious about what they post if they have to pay for each tweet or post. This could actually be a good thing!
  3. Technical Challenges: Enforcing a pay-per-tweet system would require significant changes to the platform’s infrastructure and payment processing systems.
  4. Alternative Revenue Models: Social media platforms currently rely heavily on advertising revenue. Implementing a pay-per-tweet system could add to this revenue stream.
  5. Spam Mitigation: While charging for tweets or posts could deter some spammers, it might not completely eliminate spamming. Spammers could still be willing to pay for posts if they believe they can profit from them.

That was just my 2 cents.

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